Dream Big or Achieve Little

May you dream big by night, and see them come true by day.

“Everything that is created is dreamed-up first.”

Inspired by: Farsighted Victories

If victory is farsighted; arm it with some reading glasses!

“If victory is farsighted;
bring some reading glasses
into the battle!”


Inspired by: our ability to 4C change

change takes, clarity, courage, confidence, and commitment

“Change takes:
Clarity to see it;
Courage to say it;
Confidence to be judged;
Commitment to stand by it!”


Inspired by: Being Positively Not Negative

“Two negatives make a positive;
a couple more positives make a trend!”


Inspired by: Opportunities at Hand!

“If one hand does not know what the other is doing;
they should high-five each other!”


One-liner Inspires: A better Mode than Mean

“Just because mean describes the average of numbers in math, does not mean it describes the average person in society.”

~Loopholes on Life, 09.16.2012