“Love Handles, Limos, and WILL POWER!” #126

It’s the future, the past, and the WAY!

If you know this single word, power often follows. 

As a verb? It describes actions in the future.

As a noun? It defines what we leave behind.

Whatever it is, whenever it exists, there IS always a way!

Will power.


“What you see in me outwardly, is the relationship we have with ourselves inwardly “

“‘Would you go forth with accomplishing your goal no matter what, even if it put stress on a loved one for example?’ — ‘Well, here’s the thing, I’m not just a dick.'”

“‘Recognize the moment of focus leakage.’ — ‘yeah! How do you do that?’ — ‘by recognizing the moments of focus leakage.'”

You, or someone you know

Author: Loopholes on Life

LEARN from the past; LIVE for the moment; LOVE for eternity.

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