Fix-it Tips: No time to Regret

what would you do if today was the last of your life? what would you do different if given more time?What regrets would you have if today was the last day of your life?

What would you do different if, instead, you were given more time?


Forgiving and Forgetting

Forgiving & Forgetting, it's a gift for giving NOT for getting!

“Forgiving & Forgetting

…it’s a gift FOR GIVING,

Inspired by: “Sounds of Silence”

One who speaks on the fly learns to "Zip their lips" !

“The expression ‘zip your lips’
originated from someone who
‘spoke on the fly’!”

Inspired by: The Choice of Sooner or Later

Is time up? It's up to you...

“It’s always too soon;
to say it’s too late.”