#111 “The Blissful Ignorance of Social Lemmings!”

Join the Happiness Rebellion - LoopholesOnLIfe!
The Infamous Loopholes on Life Podcast
#111 "The Blissful Ignorance of Social Lemmings!"

High-five for mediocrity! Each confident clasp we reward ourselves with today hauntingly echoes the dreams and memories of our tomorrows. Yet, for now, we triumphantly we march together in the lemming line.

In an age where success is defined by ensuring the social norms remain undisturbed, Stitch and Stan challenge the protocol.

In this episode, discover the single attribute required to break the lemming line and be yourself, the best version you can possibly be!

“The Blissful Ignorance of Social Lemmings!” #111

High-five for mediocrity! Each confident clasp we reward ourselves with today hauntingly echoes the dreams and memories of our tomorrows. Yet, for now, we triumphantly march together in the lemming line.

In an age where success is defined by ensuring the social norms remain undisturbed, Stitch and Stan challenge the protocol!

In this episode, discover the single most important attribute you need to break the lemming line, be yourself, and thusly, the best version of you that you can possibly be!


>> “is a lemming a real thing, like an animal?”
>> “i also love that you’re the albert einstein of the toilet seat!”
>> “i know women that skip entire days, or so they say.” — “just women? like it’s such a dirty secret that we sometimes pooh.”
>> “i’d rather use a leaf from the backyard.”
>> “i come with my homeruns, then miss a game or two.”

You, or, Someone You Know!

Overcoming Indecision: 3 Tools for any Decision Maker

The ‘lose-lose’ situations. The ‘what-if’ mind games. The wavering. The anxiety. The regret of one choice made too quickly and another not quickly enough.

Indecision is crippling. Yet, it’s a common struggle for many of us in our day-to-day lives; from the menial matters of where to make a purchase, to the life-changing commitments of a relationship.

Independent of the specific indecision you may be wrestling with today: these 3 tools will, quite decisively, help you become a better decision maker today!

Continue reading “Overcoming Indecision: 3 Tools for any Decision Maker”