“An Enlightening Game of 20 Questions”

What if you had the chance to play a game of 20 questions… with someone you knew, for certain, had all the answers?

“First question first: what’s the meaning of life?”
For you to keep on asking until you get it right.
“Gee, great insight… what on earth does it mean??”
What it means on earth is the same as in your dreams.
“Um, elaborate please! Where do I find what I seek?
You’ll find it in the hiding place which only you perceive.
“That’s three questions for you – still no answers for me?”
Or maybe just not the ones that you think you need?

“Why answer with more questions?” To show you what they mean.
“How am I to interpret that??” That’ll be the key.
“Clearly understanding’s key, yet I’m trapped in ambiguity!”
The key’s to find yourself; the truth’s to set you free.
“Can you spell it out by chance?” In no language that you read.
“Please extend an olive branch!” Please accept the olive seed.
“I know less than when I started.” You’ll know more once you cease.
“How long can I ask the same question?” Until you answer it for me.

“HERE WE GO AGAIN!!” Here you go again.
“Why would ‘I’ go here again?” To hear it all again.
“Well this time, can you say it clear?” That depends on how you hear.
“You’re confusing with your words!” You confuse them with your ears.
“This is all one big cycle.” I’m glad you’re seeing it show.
“I think we’re digressing.” I think you’re beginning to grow.
“I think ya don’t know what I think.” You think you think all that you know.
“Your answers breed more questions” Your questions breed both.

“AND HERE WE GO AGAIN‼” And here you go again.
“I don’t see where this is going,” you don’t see where this has been.
“I’ve become a better person, and I never looked back…
But I looked forward for the answers”…And you never looked back.
“How many questions do I have?” Since you ask, you’re down to nine.
“Not surprised you counted that!” Those with less, use more wise.

“Where will this end??” That would be a start.
“I’m getting lost again…” Try following your heart.
“Just enlighten me; please, all I need’s a little spark!”
If you want to see the light, you need to start out in the dark.
“Can’t you just point me to the grail or philosophers stone?”
I can, and I have, and I will, by pointing you back home.
“I don’t see how you’re helping!” That doesn’t mean you won’t.
“I just REALLY wanna know!” Are you really sure you don’t?

“Well if you’re the source of truth, why do you keep me guessin?”
Because it isn’t learned until discerned by the source of the question.
“I turn to you once more, and get turned away again!”
You turned to me, and as before, I’m turning you within.
“So why does he who helps himself even need you in the end?”
The conclusion can’t be reached until he sees where to begin.
Before you’d only seek externally when conquering your doubt.
The outward helped you inward, now going in will help you out.
With no thoughts but their own, one can hear what’s hardly heard.
You will find the key alone… and then see you never were.

“So discernment is the truth?” No, that’ll be the key.
“and with the key, I’ll see the truth?” You’ll perceive the tree.
“and what’s the tree lead to?” Truth. Living in all you see & do.
As the creative root branches through all you’ve created too.

“Why didn’t you just say so?” It’s the cost of being free.
Those who don’t find it for themselves, find it harder to believe.
“Well, that’s 19! I got more than I could ask in a 20 question game,
so for my final one: how can I help others do the same?”

JUST GIVE THEM 20 QUESTIONS! Then listen to them speak!
How you learned how to learn is how I’d teach you how to teach.
For every soul speaks differently, each language is unique.
But each one has a key; tailor-made for them by me.
And forcing the key will more often lead to broken locks and pride.
But fortunately, the doors made to be opened from inside.

So note this, as you notice folks roaming off the road:
Sharing where ya been does more than showing where to go!
They won’t believe what you know ’til they perceive it on their own;
They’ll care little how big you are, but they’ll respond to how you’ve grown.
For while there are many different paths, there’s only one summit.
And the key to life is love
…but that’s not what it’d be if I took the choice from it.

Life is a Race

Life is a Race, how's your Heart Pace?

“Life is a Race
…how’s your Heart Pace?”

Inspired by: Farsighted Victories

If victory is farsighted; arm it with some reading glasses!

“If victory is farsighted;
bring some reading glasses
into the battle!”


Inspired by: our ability to 4C change

change takes, clarity, courage, confidence, and commitment

“Change takes:
Clarity to see it;
Courage to say it;
Confidence to be judged;
Commitment to stand by it!”


One-liner Inspires: Surgeon Forward

“Healing others takes patients; healing ourselves takes patience.”

~Loopholes on Life, 09.17.2012