“An Enlightening Game of 20 Questions”

What if you had the chance to play a game of 20 questions… with someone you knew, for certain, had all the answers?

“First question first: what’s the meaning of life?”
For you to keep on asking until you get it right.
“Gee, great insight… what on earth does it mean??”
What it means on earth is the same as in your dreams.
“Um, elaborate please! Where do I find what I seek?
You’ll find it in the hiding place which only you perceive.
“That’s three questions for you – still no answers for me?”
Or maybe just not the ones that you think you need?

“Why answer with more questions?” To show you what they mean.
“How am I to interpret that??” That’ll be the key.
“Clearly understanding’s key, yet I’m trapped in ambiguity!”
The key’s to find yourself; the truth’s to set you free.
“Can you spell it out by chance?” In no language that you read.
“Please extend an olive branch!” Please accept the olive seed.
“I know less than when I started.” You’ll know more once you cease.
“How long can I ask the same question?” Until you answer it for me.

“HERE WE GO AGAIN!!” Here you go again.
“Why would ‘I’ go here again?” To hear it all again.
“Well this time, can you say it clear?” That depends on how you hear.
“You’re confusing with your words!” You confuse them with your ears.
“This is all one big cycle.” I’m glad you’re seeing it show.
“I think we’re digressing.” I think you’re beginning to grow.
“I think ya don’t know what I think.” You think you think all that you know.
“Your answers breed more questions” Your questions breed both.

“AND HERE WE GO AGAIN‼” And here you go again.
“I don’t see where this is going,” you don’t see where this has been.
“I’ve become a better person, and I never looked back…
But I looked forward for the answers”…And you never looked back.
“How many questions do I have?” Since you ask, you’re down to nine.
“Not surprised you counted that!” Those with less, use more wise.

“Where will this end??” That would be a start.
“I’m getting lost again…” Try following your heart.
“Just enlighten me; please, all I need’s a little spark!”
If you want to see the light, you need to start out in the dark.
“Can’t you just point me to the grail or philosophers stone?”
I can, and I have, and I will, by pointing you back home.
“I don’t see how you’re helping!” That doesn’t mean you won’t.
“I just REALLY wanna know!” Are you really sure you don’t?

“Well if you’re the source of truth, why do you keep me guessin?”
Because it isn’t learned until discerned by the source of the question.
“I turn to you once more, and get turned away again!”
You turned to me, and as before, I’m turning you within.
“So why does he who helps himself even need you in the end?”
The conclusion can’t be reached until he sees where to begin.
Before you’d only seek externally when conquering your doubt.
The outward helped you inward, now going in will help you out.
With no thoughts but their own, one can hear what’s hardly heard.
You will find the key alone… and then see you never were.

“So discernment is the truth?” No, that’ll be the key.
“and with the key, I’ll see the truth?” You’ll perceive the tree.
“and what’s the tree lead to?” Truth. Living in all you see & do.
As the creative root branches through all you’ve created too.

“Why didn’t you just say so?” It’s the cost of being free.
Those who don’t find it for themselves, find it harder to believe.
“Well, that’s 19! I got more than I could ask in a 20 question game,
so for my final one: how can I help others do the same?”

JUST GIVE THEM 20 QUESTIONS! Then listen to them speak!
How you learned how to learn is how I’d teach you how to teach.
For every soul speaks differently, each language is unique.
But each one has a key; tailor-made for them by me.
And forcing the key will more often lead to broken locks and pride.
But fortunately, the doors made to be opened from inside.

So note this, as you notice folks roaming off the road:
Sharing where ya been does more than showing where to go!
They won’t believe what you know ’til they perceive it on their own;
They’ll care little how big you are, but they’ll respond to how you’ve grown.
For while there are many different paths, there’s only one summit.
And the key to life is love
…but that’s not what it’d be if I took the choice from it.

Faith takes Practice, not Perfection


“If you believe in God:
pray for your faith once per night.

If you don’t:
then do it twice.

IMPRISONED BY TIME: Part 2 – Discover the Boundaries

Discover the bars you've been kept behind in the prison of time.

As the bell tower chimes for the last “time” — let freedom ring!

Your escape from an enslavement many still refuse to believe exists begins now.

This journey will take no time at all; in fact, it will leave all time behind.

Welcome to the rebellion.

Continue reading “IMPRISONED BY TIME: Part 2 – Discover the Boundaries”

A Single Moment, A Lasting Impact – 12/12/12 @ 9:30 PM EST

12/12/2012 - an individual contribution to a lasting change

Many throughout history have alluded to the idea that if a large enough percentage of humanity “wished” for global peace simultaneously, that a lasting change could happen instantaneously.  Skeptics and believers alike have a chance to be a part of a world-wide test of this theory TONIGHT, 12/12/12, at 9:30 PM EST.

A Single Moment, a Lasting Impact; An Individual Contribution to Global Change:

CHALLENGE: take a moment to think about the word “smiling”.

Think about it for a second longer.

NOW, try to think about the word “smiling” without actually physically smiling! If we’re honest with ourselves, one can almost feel the contention between “thinking one thing” and “doing the other”.  That is how the video which introduces this world-wide ‘moment of peace’ begins:

Don’t believe in the power of prayer? How about statistics?

If you are still someone who has a hard time conceptualizing the inter-connectivity of all things, from yourself to the universe, from thought to action to physical manifestation — you are not alone.

As mentioned many times in this blog – at this point in our history, truth and lies are so intertwined in nearly every subject matter that it is hard to fully trust anything.  This is particularly evident as many question the dogma of institutionalized religion. However, when science, spirituality, AND MATH actually converge to support a particular hypothesis – isn’t there some providence to the findings that should not be overlooked?

I have expanded on the “Universe You” concept in a series of articles, so will try not to digress further — BUT — it is important to note that several independent studies have measured the impact of group prayer and meditation, actually showing statistically significant drops in crime rates.

From your own personal experience – haven’t you ever walked into a room, or a party, which you felt, simply put, had a “bad vibe”?  Haven’t you been around people who’d you classify as having a “magnetic personality”?  Prayer, meditation, POSITIVE THOUGHT — after we get past the subtleties which differentiate them, they are really not so different at some juncture.   If you believe that “starting your day on the right foot” leads to an, even ever-so-slightly, increased probability for a “good day” — as opposed to the days when you “wake up on the wrong side of the bed” — then are you sure you really have any reason to be skeptical with “this cause” at all?

If you ARE still skeptical, I do not blame you! After all, I epitomized the word ‘skeptic’ for many years even AFTER being aware of these so-called ‘studies’ — it takes time for an individual to “re-calibrate” their understanding. Look up the information, try to go into it your ‘research’ with an open mind, and discern for yourself.

HOWEVER – I will say, skeptical or not, take a moment at 9:30 PM to contribute a positive thought or two to a world which needs it! Worst case scenario — it certainly cannot hurt!! Best case scenario…. where would I begin and where would I stop?!

Let’s take a moment and see if we can’t surprise ourselves with the results.

I wish you all the best! Now — and at exactly 9:30 PM EST Tonight! 😉

Additional references:

“The Key to Freedom”

The Key to Freedom is Releasing the Need

Seeking starts with understanding we don’t really comprehend;
A decision beginning the process of perceiving what’s at ends.
Many pros and cons will follow one’s conclusion to commence;
And the choice appears more shallow the deeper one descends.

The truth resides within the lies; where belief & doubt suspend;
Forever united in the division and the agreement to contend.
It hides between one and zero, while oddly even forming ten;
A key to freedom releasing a feeling which leashes us again.

It may seem positively negative based on previous pretense;
Until we feel rightfully wronged once enriched by being spent.
We open new eyes & old wounds; we bleed so we can mend;
It takes those ups & downs to see the peaks & valleys blend.

Each mission is similarly different – but the anomalies will trend;
As we discover strength in weakness we had easily condemned.
Once we put the quest in question, it means that truth impends;
The meaning is straight forward, and it is just around the bend.

The final click comes in time, but we need relinquish “When?”
For us to see how far we’ve come before we leave again.


Are you a prisoner of time? Free yourself.

We awake to a new day. There are new experiences to be had and new choices to make. It may sound liberating at first. Yet, we begin each morning by believing everything we’ve been trained to see; and there are no better slaves than the ones who are convinced they are free.

Continue reading “ARE YOU IMPRISONED BY TIME?”

An Advanced Breed of Monkeys?

Great quote from Hawking. I think it puts into perspective both our ‘relative’ significance in the universe and reinforces perception as well — after all, who are us ‘slightly more advanced monkeys’ to assume that ‘advanced’ isn’t relative in itself, and that those ‘less advanced monkeys’ have, perhaps an even more, clear grasp on how the universe works?

In fact, perhaps those ‘less advanced monkeys’ define advanced differently — perhaps their understanding of the universe is intuitive and they view US as less advanced for fruitlessly breaking down particles more and more and exploring the cosmos further and further — and in the process, THE ONLY THING WE HAVE DISCOVERED IS INFINITY. 🙂

“Timeless Words” – 23 famous quotes unveiling the secret of time

look to the cycle, not the progression

From rock ‘n roll icons to religious leaders;
From ancient philosophers to 20th century scientists;
From inventors & poets to politicians & social reformers;

The mystery of time has been revealed to us through a series of clues left behind by history’s most influential figures. It’s been easy to overlook the common theme across such an uncommon group – UNTIL NOW!

The most renowned and wise of our kind all spoke about “time”. Think about the themes you see, as the sayings from 23 of these individuals are brought together in a timely verse of their timeless words.

Continue reading ““Timeless Words” – 23 famous quotes unveiling the secret of time”

“Seeing What Is”

I once saw what I wanted, now I’m seeing what is;
was ignorant, but now I get the reason it’s bliss.
for I was lost and then found my reason to live;
amazing grace didn’t sound more sweet than it did.

Continue reading ““Seeing What Is””

How 3 Signs, Belief, & YOU may have JUST saved my Life!

Do you believe in ‘signs’? Those seemingly random occurrences in your day which make you instinctively challenge the likelihood of the event? Do you ultimately conclude “coincidence”, or is it… just maybe… something more?

I epitomized the word skeptic for 90% of my life. Thank GOD that I’m actively living in the other 10% now, because I may have not had a chance to share this story with you if I wasn’t.

With my hands still trembling as I write this, this is the true recap of how 3 signs, my belief in them, and YOU helped me avoid a major accident this morning. Continue reading “How 3 Signs, Belief, & YOU may have JUST saved my Life!”

Universe You: Why YOU Matter!!

You are important. Without you, the rest of us would be nothing.

If you think that’s an overstatement, think again.  Better yet, stop thinking!

It’s time to reclaim your self-esteem. The building blocks of confidence start by deconstructing the building blocks of matter.

YOU MATTER… let’s explore how you matter, both literally AND figuratively! Continue reading “Universe You: Why YOU Matter!!”

Universe You: 3 Pillars of a Positive Relationship

Understand the 3 Pillars of Positive Relationship building by understanding yourself, the universe, and everything (and one) in between!

Relationships fail for many reasons, but start with yourself, and take accountability for it. It is painful to own problems, but once you do, it is infinitely peaceful. After all, there is nothing you are in a better position to change than yourself! Continue reading “Universe You: 3 Pillars of a Positive Relationship”

Universe You: Positive Relationships (Part 2a)

What is the secret to creating & maintaining a positive, long-lasting, relationship?

All of us long for “connection”.  It is our relationships, THE connectivity, which gives meaning to our experiences and validates our existence. Some of us even strive to connect based on a perceived lack of connection!

Whether you are looking to “find love”, whether you are interested in cultivating a positive relationship at work, whether you hope to develop a more meaningful relationship with a family member or friend — the answer is ALL the same, and can be found in “Universe You. Continue reading “Universe You: Positive Relationships (Part 2a)”

The Science of Positivity Loophole!

The Science of Positivity

This short video just may change the way you view life, forever.  If all you have time for today is 20 seconds to dedicate to understanding the loopholes on life – give it to this video. After 20 seconds, I am certain you will find a way to free up an additional 3 minutes to finish it.

Do you believe in Science? Do you have faith in faith?  If we are honest with ourselves, most seek their alignment (even unknowingly).  Science & Faith are not so different, friends.  In fact, the two “disciplines” dedicate themselves to understanding the exact same book. The only difference is the order in which they pursue their understanding of the storyline in this ‘book of life’.

Science & Faith have never, in our history, been so close to converging! Let’s explore our faith in science & the science of faith. Continue reading “The Science of Positivity Loophole!”

Inspire Putting in the Proof!

“If God could be proved; then Faith couldn’t be.”

“Universe You”: Intro to Connecting the Dots (Part 1)

“Universe You”: Intro to Connecting the Dots (Part 1)

Universe in the Eye of the Beholder

To make the most out of a life, one needs to be able to change it. To change a life, one needs to understand what it is made of.  To understand what it is made of, one only needs to understand the highest- and lowest-level components which life as we know it is made of, existence & experience, the UNIVERSE & YOU!

The “Universe You” Series will provide overarching concepts and universal truths to help an individual understand existence and maximize their experiences within it.  A new part of the series will be posted every Friday morning for the next several weeks.

This is the first piece of a multi-faceted puzzle, and by no coincidence, the whole will be greater than the sum of the parts.

Part 1: Introduction to “Connecting the Dots” – what does understanding “Universe You” get you?  Continue reading ““Universe You”: Intro to Connecting the Dots (Part 1)”


Overcoming Fear… from 2012 to NOW!

A time for courage

At this point the majority of us have ‘heard’ about the notion of 2012.  No concepts win the populous over better than when those concepts are grounded in some degree of science, personal faith, and ancient allusion.

The idea could stem from the ancient Mayan ‘time keeping’ system which appears to end (and/or start over) in 2012; or they may be grounded in the prophecies from any one religion which almost uncannily seem to converge once we strip away our ‘man-made’ differences.

Independent of where the notion of the world ‘ending’ or ‘changing’ stems from – those notions are just seeds which do not grow until we allow them to root in ourselves.

No matter where the ‘events of today’ are leading – YOU ARE IN CONTROL (and thus, WE are in control).  It’s time for us as individuals, and as a globalized society, to change how we internalize these notions — and if nothing else, 2012 should mark the time we become FEARLESS! Continue reading “Fearlessness”

The God Question

God is the Answer, is he the Question?
Is God the Question…or Answer?

“Is there a God?”, “Was he an ‘invented’ by humanity”, “If he exists, what is he like?”

To play ‘devil’s advocate’ (pun intended) riddle me this:

If you knew the answer what, if anything, would you change about yourself?

So you’re looking for the answer to the “God Question”, huh?  Lucky for you, the answer is readily available in the place you least suspect. Continue reading “The God Question”

One-liner Inspires: we come over to overcome

Life's a journey in adversity

“Life’s a journey in adversity; yet we keep seeking more;
but what would be the reward if it was easy before?”
~Loopholes on Life, 09.18.2012

“How to be Happy” Loophole

We all want to be happy… right?!

If that was the case, why do so many people with such propensity to be happy…just…seem…to…eventually…self-destruct?

The trick to being happy is NOT to “obtain” happiness! By doing that, we are really putting our happiness in the “obtainment of whatever it is that was obtained”. The REAL secret to securing happiness is to… Continue reading ““How to be Happy” Loophole”

One-liner Inspires: Going out on a Limb

Many would give an Arm & a Leg - just to be Lent a Hand

“Many people in need would give an arm & a leg… just to be lent a hand.” ~LoopholesOnLife.com