“In a World Without Time” #116

Most of us are bound to something we think we understand but can barely even conceive.  We are chained by memories of the past, constrained by worries of the future. We rarely allow our presence of mind to dwell in the present.

Even within that present, most remain imprisoned – and time is the warden. 

Our cell walls consist cell phones, which we utilize to etch the tally marks of mortality into our minds. We willingly cuff our hands to its watches.  We’re born into a life sentence that’s followed by a death penalty.

But times are changing, friends, and there is hope!

For there are some who refuse to be bound by this fear mongering tyrant.  There are some who refuse to serve time!

Take the time to join Stan and Stitch as they embark on the altruistic journey to free us from time and its treacherous shackles!


“Time is the great imaginary enemy of our dreams in reality.”

“The mysteries of time are revealed when you are
bored, stuck, and need to take a piss.”

You, or, Someone You Know!

#116 “In a World Without Time”

Join the Happiness Rebellion - LoopholesOnLIfe!
The Infamous Loopholes on Life Podcast
#116 "In a World Without Time"

Stan and Stitch tackle the cruel master of time with the altruistic goal of freeing us all from its subtle tyranny.

Most of us are bound to something we think we understand but can barely even conceive.  We are chained by memories of the past, constrained by worries of the future. We rarely allow our presence of mind to dwell in the present.

Even within that present, most remain imprisoned – and time is the warden. 

Our cell walls consist cell phones, which we utilize to etch the tally marks of mortality into our minds. We willingly cuff our hands to its watches.  We’re born into a life sentence that’s followed by a death penalty.

But times are changing, friends, and there is hope!

For there are some who refuse to be bound by this fear mongering tyrant.  There are some who refuse to serve time!

Take the time to join Stan and Stitch as they embark on the altruistic journey to free us from time and its treacherous shackles!


“Time is the great imaginary enemy of our dreams in reality.”

“The mysteries of time are revealed when you are
bored, stuck, and need to take a piss.”

You, or, Someone You Know!

“Seeing What Is”

I once saw what I wanted, now I’m seeing what is;
was ignorant, but now I get the reason it’s bliss.
for I was lost and then found my reason to live;
amazing grace didn’t sound more sweet than it did.

Continue reading ““Seeing What Is””

Universe You: Why YOU Matter!!

You are important. Without you, the rest of us would be nothing.

If you think that’s an overstatement, think again.  Better yet, stop thinking!

It’s time to reclaim your self-esteem. The building blocks of confidence start by deconstructing the building blocks of matter.

YOU MATTER… let’s explore how you matter, both literally AND figuratively! Continue reading “Universe You: Why YOU Matter!!”

Universe You: 3 Pillars of a Positive Relationship

Understand the 3 Pillars of Positive Relationship building by understanding yourself, the universe, and everything (and one) in between!

Relationships fail for many reasons, but start with yourself, and take accountability for it. It is painful to own problems, but once you do, it is infinitely peaceful. After all, there is nothing you are in a better position to change than yourself! Continue reading “Universe You: 3 Pillars of a Positive Relationship”

Universe You: Positive Relationships (Part 2a)

What is the secret to creating & maintaining a positive, long-lasting, relationship?

All of us long for “connection”.  It is our relationships, THE connectivity, which gives meaning to our experiences and validates our existence. Some of us even strive to connect based on a perceived lack of connection!

Whether you are looking to “find love”, whether you are interested in cultivating a positive relationship at work, whether you hope to develop a more meaningful relationship with a family member or friend — the answer is ALL the same, and can be found in “Universe You. Continue reading “Universe You: Positive Relationships (Part 2a)”

The Science of Positivity Loophole!

The Science of Positivity

This short video just may change the way you view life, forever.  If all you have time for today is 20 seconds to dedicate to understanding the loopholes on life – give it to this video. After 20 seconds, I am certain you will find a way to free up an additional 3 minutes to finish it.

Do you believe in Science? Do you have faith in faith?  If we are honest with ourselves, most seek their alignment (even unknowingly).  Science & Faith are not so different, friends.  In fact, the two “disciplines” dedicate themselves to understanding the exact same book. The only difference is the order in which they pursue their understanding of the storyline in this ‘book of life’.

Science & Faith have never, in our history, been so close to converging! Let’s explore our faith in science & the science of faith. Continue reading “The Science of Positivity Loophole!”

“Universe You”: Intro to Connecting the Dots (Part 1)

“Universe You”: Intro to Connecting the Dots (Part 1)

Universe in the Eye of the Beholder

To make the most out of a life, one needs to be able to change it. To change a life, one needs to understand what it is made of.  To understand what it is made of, one only needs to understand the highest- and lowest-level components which life as we know it is made of, existence & experience, the UNIVERSE & YOU!

The “Universe You” Series will provide overarching concepts and universal truths to help an individual understand existence and maximize their experiences within it.  A new part of the series will be posted every Friday morning for the next several weeks.

This is the first piece of a multi-faceted puzzle, and by no coincidence, the whole will be greater than the sum of the parts.

Part 1: Introduction to “Connecting the Dots” – what does understanding “Universe You” get you?  Continue reading ““Universe You”: Intro to Connecting the Dots (Part 1)”


Overcoming Fear… from 2012 to NOW!

A time for courage

At this point the majority of us have ‘heard’ about the notion of 2012.  No concepts win the populous over better than when those concepts are grounded in some degree of science, personal faith, and ancient allusion.

The idea could stem from the ancient Mayan ‘time keeping’ system which appears to end (and/or start over) in 2012; or they may be grounded in the prophecies from any one religion which almost uncannily seem to converge once we strip away our ‘man-made’ differences.

Independent of where the notion of the world ‘ending’ or ‘changing’ stems from – those notions are just seeds which do not grow until we allow them to root in ourselves.

No matter where the ‘events of today’ are leading – YOU ARE IN CONTROL (and thus, WE are in control).  It’s time for us as individuals, and as a globalized society, to change how we internalize these notions — and if nothing else, 2012 should mark the time we become FEARLESS! Continue reading “Fearlessness”

3-step Loophole to Doing Great & Being Greater

3-Step Loophole to Doing Great & Being Greater!

A better life begins with you.Who are you? What do you want out of life?  Why….and what’s stopping you?

From the day we are born, we open our eyes to a world which tells us what to see.  What we see, overtime, tells us who we are.  Understanding how the ‘system’ works is the first step to rising above it, changing, and accomplishing anything.

The world has a preconceived notion of what is “normal”, what is “remarkable”, what one is capable of and what one is not.  However, YOUR possibilities are only as limited as the world’s ability is to convince you of their limits — because eventually, we start convincing ourselves of the same.

In this loophole, we’ll discuss 3 simple tools to doing great and being greater, starting, right, now! Continue reading “3-step Loophole to Doing Great & Being Greater”

One-liner Inspires: Surgeon Forward

“Healing others takes patients; healing ourselves takes patience.”

~Loopholes on Life, 09.17.2012

“Good begets Good” Loophole

The Good begets Good Loophole

Good breeds good. One good turn deserves another. Karma.

This post will be as short & sweet as our actions ought to be.

Yesterday I made a “Help Wanted” Post called “Take one for the TEAM“.

Karma In – Small Sacrifices:

In general, I highlighted the unfortunate order mix-up at Starbucks where I had ordered my usual White Chocolate Mocha, got a Mocha (which couldn’t taste MORE different), but due to the tension in the environment, the fact there appeared to be a new employee who was struggling to get into the swing of things, and the long line/wait I was already apart of — I opted to just move on and be thankful for a hot beverage.

It may seem a bit prima donna, but it truly is all about the little things!

Karma Out – Coming “Full Circle”:

Less than 24 hours later, I placed my morning coffee drink at the same Starbucks. They recognized me and said “you waited a long time yesterday, this drink is on us!”

Patience and kindness IS rewarded, friends.  We tend to miss the opportunities all too often because of the latency involved.  Be good because it makes sense to be good, but also know that things DO indeed come full-circle.

I am now enjoying, and am thankful for, another warm beverage this morning…

But this time it was my favorite kind, it was free, and it tastes like magic.

Until next time, friends, be good! 🙂