#126 “Love Handles, Limos, and WILL POWER!”

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The Infamous Loopholes on Life Podcast
#126 "Love Handles, Limos, and WILL POWER!"

If you know this single word, power often follows. 

As a verb? It describes actions in the future.

As a noun? It defines what we leave behind.

Whatever it is, whenever it exists, there IS always a way!

Will power.

Let’s discuss how to develop it if you don’t have it, and learn how to teach it if you do!


“What you see in me outwardly, is the relationship we have with ourselves inwardly “

“‘Would you go forth with accomplishing your goal no matter what, even if it put stress on a loved one for example?’ — ‘Well, here’s the thing, I’m not just a dick.'”

“‘Recognize the moment of focus leakage.’ — ‘yeah! How do you do that?’ — ‘by recognizing the moments of focus leakage.'”

You, or someone you know

Author: Loopholes on Life

LEARN from the past; LIVE for the moment; LOVE for eternity.

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