“The Key to Freedom”

The Key to Freedom is Releasing the Need

Seeking starts with understanding we don’t really comprehend;
A decision beginning the process of perceiving what’s at ends.
Many pros and cons will follow one’s conclusion to commence;
And the choice appears more shallow the deeper one descends.

The truth resides within the lies; where belief & doubt suspend;
Forever united in the division and the agreement to contend.
It hides between one and zero, while oddly even forming ten;
A key to freedom releasing a feeling which leashes us again.

It may seem positively negative based on previous pretense;
Until we feel rightfully wronged once enriched by being spent.
We open new eyes & old wounds; we bleed so we can mend;
It takes those ups & downs to see the peaks & valleys blend.

Each mission is similarly different – but the anomalies will trend;
As we discover strength in weakness we had easily condemned.
Once we put the quest in question, it means that truth impends;
The meaning is straight forward, and it is just around the bend.

The final click comes in time, but we need relinquish “When?”
For us to see how far we’ve come before we leave again.

“Timeless Words” – 23 famous quotes unveiling the secret of time

look to the cycle, not the progression

From rock ‘n roll icons to religious leaders;
From ancient philosophers to 20th century scientists;
From inventors & poets to politicians & social reformers;

The mystery of time has been revealed to us through a series of clues left behind by history’s most influential figures. It’s been easy to overlook the common theme across such an uncommon group – UNTIL NOW!

The most renowned and wise of our kind all spoke about “time”. Think about the themes you see, as the sayings from 23 of these individuals are brought together in a timely verse of their timeless words.

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