“The Oz Behind Vegas, Politics, & Subway Smells!” #122

As the rhythmic wheels of our first-world routines lullaby our heads and hearts to sleep, it escapes us once more. A great truth, cowering behind the shield of a green curtain and slithering yet deeper into figment of imagination. 

Most lives are restlessly lived in the mist of this slumber… However, if you are lucky and brave enough, you can follow it.  And if you follow it long enough, you can hear it…  From beyond a well-traveled path to the lesser-known curtain, you can identify that alluring whisper which has begged, bartered, and bet against your better judgement for your entire life.

Join Stan, Stitch, and Mike as they travel down that familiar road, bricked and yellowed, together.  It has been too long since someone confronted this ‘so-called’ wizard face-to-face!


“They’re gambling against the gamblers, but the gamblers are the sheep and Vegas is the shepherd.”

“Cereal deserves at least 1%, otherwise just use faucet water.”

“Obscure movie references, wine, Cleveland sports… Mike might be in the running for my new best friend.”
…“Tune in next week to the Mike and Stan Podcast!”

You, or someone you know!

#122 “The Oz Behind Vegas, Politics, and Subway Smells!”

Join the Happiness Rebellion - LoopholesOnLIfe!
The Infamous Loopholes on Life Podcast
#122 "The Oz Behind Vegas, Politics, and Subway Smells!"

As the rhythmic wheels of our first-world routines lullaby our heads and hearts to sleep, it escapes us once more. A great truth, cowering behind the shield of a green curtain and slithering yet deeper into figment of imagination. 

Most lives are restlessly lived in the mist of this slumber… However, if you are lucky and brave enough, you can follow it.  And if you follow it long enough, you can hear it…  From beyond a well-traveled path to the lesser-known curtain, you can identify that alluring whisper which has begged, bartered, and bet against your better judgement for your entire life.

Join Stan, Stitch, and Mike as they travel down that familiar road, bricked and yellowed, together.  It has been too long since someone confronted this ‘so-called’ wizard face-to-face!


“They’re gambling against the gamblers, but the gamblers are the sheep and Vegas is the shepherd.”

“Cereal deserves at least 1%, otherwise just use faucet water.”

“Obscure movie references, wine, Cleveland sports… Mike might be in the running for my new best friend.”
…“Tune in next week to the Mike and Stan Podcast!”

You, or someone you know!

Do you have “The Opposite Problem”?

…do you have the “opposite problem”?

polarity, the secret to life is in the oppositesan optimist?! NEGATIVE! just positively positive
the secret of the universe relies upon the opposites
for context in our populous, how competent are colleges?
took a lot of ignorance to comprehend what knowledge is
it’s a problem which is relative, its apparent we adopted it
it’s extremely unique, so commonly it’s moderate.
see the glass as half full with a modest bit of cockiness;
but if ya never topped it off, the cup would still be bottomless.

without a winter would a summer even be a thing?
if I never had a fall, would ya ever see me spring?
it’s sink or swim; but what’s a swim without a sink?
I think that I know – therefore I am, I think.
we peak then plateau, and we gradually shrink
no matter how far ya go, ya always on the brink.

Do you have the opposite problem? it’s likely it’s so:
answer with yes, or no – it’s residing in both.
a friend, or foe, above, below – in binary code
the ebbs and flows, they come and go, a high and a low

we want yes without no, wanna know without lessons
never had the answer, but want it without question
seek some direction: east ‘n a south; north ‘n a west
from chaos there is order, we’re an organized mess
it’s simply complex, we want a grade without a test
wanna win, no contest; wanna host? be my guest!
every notion we protect, all the motions we object;
are all perpetual at worst, and immoveable at best.

beauty is skin deep… but how shallow is sight?
when beauty’s best seen by the beholder who’s blind
can ya find an absent mind present in a moment of time?
in some cases ya capitalize; others, lower than swine.
but it takes both to take off – a case where all the pigs fly
and its the lowest swine who go most high, hoggin the sky‼

Do you have the opposite problem? answer it wise:
the answers black and white but may range from day to night
no wrong or right, narrow or wide, just a demand to supply
the secret’s too revealed to hide, so expect a surprise.

find depth in our shallowness, fulfillment in our hollowness
our future leaders will rise from those who can follow this.

Problem Solved.

Inspired by the Nature of Life

The meaning of life: we search for it on our computer, but we find it in our NATURE!

The Meaning of Life:
We search for it on our computer;
We find it in our nature!


“The Key to Freedom”

The Key to Freedom is Releasing the Need

Seeking starts with understanding we don’t really comprehend;
A decision beginning the process of perceiving what’s at ends.
Many pros and cons will follow one’s conclusion to commence;
And the choice appears more shallow the deeper one descends.

The truth resides within the lies; where belief & doubt suspend;
Forever united in the division and the agreement to contend.
It hides between one and zero, while oddly even forming ten;
A key to freedom releasing a feeling which leashes us again.

It may seem positively negative based on previous pretense;
Until we feel rightfully wronged once enriched by being spent.
We open new eyes & old wounds; we bleed so we can mend;
It takes those ups & downs to see the peaks & valleys blend.

Each mission is similarly different – but the anomalies will trend;
As we discover strength in weakness we had easily condemned.
Once we put the quest in question, it means that truth impends;
The meaning is straight forward, and it is just around the bend.

The final click comes in time, but we need relinquish “When?”
For us to see how far we’ve come before we leave again.

“Timeless Words” – 23 famous quotes unveiling the secret of time

look to the cycle, not the progression

From rock ‘n roll icons to religious leaders;
From ancient philosophers to 20th century scientists;
From inventors & poets to politicians & social reformers;

The mystery of time has been revealed to us through a series of clues left behind by history’s most influential figures. It’s been easy to overlook the common theme across such an uncommon group – UNTIL NOW!

The most renowned and wise of our kind all spoke about “time”. Think about the themes you see, as the sayings from 23 of these individuals are brought together in a timely verse of their timeless words.

Continue reading ““Timeless Words” – 23 famous quotes unveiling the secret of time”