IMPRISONED BY TIME: Part 2 – Discover the Boundaries

Discover the bars you've been kept behind in the prison of time.

As the bell tower chimes for the last “time” — let freedom ring!

Your escape from an enslavement many still refuse to believe exists begins now.

This journey will take no time at all; in fact, it will leave all time behind.

Welcome to the rebellion.

Continue reading “IMPRISONED BY TIME: Part 2 – Discover the Boundaries”


Are you a prisoner of time? Free yourself.

We awake to a new day. There are new experiences to be had and new choices to make. It may sound liberating at first. Yet, we begin each morning by believing everything we’ve been trained to see; and there are no better slaves than the ones who are convinced they are free.

Continue reading “ARE YOU IMPRISONED BY TIME?”

Inspired by: Truth Behind Lies

Truth can never be totally eclipsed by a lie -- it always shines through.

“One lie can overshadow a hundred truths;
But a single truth can shine through a million lies.”

“Timeless Words” – 23 famous quotes unveiling the secret of time

look to the cycle, not the progression

From rock ‘n roll icons to religious leaders;
From ancient philosophers to 20th century scientists;
From inventors & poets to politicians & social reformers;

The mystery of time has been revealed to us through a series of clues left behind by history’s most influential figures. It’s been easy to overlook the common theme across such an uncommon group – UNTIL NOW!

The most renowned and wise of our kind all spoke about “time”. Think about the themes you see, as the sayings from 23 of these individuals are brought together in a timely verse of their timeless words.

Continue reading ““Timeless Words” – 23 famous quotes unveiling the secret of time”

“Seeing What Is”

I once saw what I wanted, now I’m seeing what is;
was ignorant, but now I get the reason it’s bliss.
for I was lost and then found my reason to live;
amazing grace didn’t sound more sweet than it did.

Continue reading ““Seeing What Is””

Inspired By: Ballot Punchers

“Yesterday I punched a ballot;
now my hand & vote are both casted!”

Wanna Make your own Economy? Find out how!

How is THE economy really made?  Watch the video. READ the lyrics.

Truth seekers & conspiracy “theorists” should appreciate the synopsis of how the global economy really works (the video alone connects some dots which are not explicitly called out, :cough: thethreecitystates :cough:).

Musicians & poets should appreciate the fact that this entire song was written with the SAME tri-syllabic rhyme….the….whole…time!

EVERYONE should appreciate THE TRUTH, which as always, is inside.

Continue reading “Wanna Make your own Economy? Find out how!”

Could the Sweetest Day be a Sour Scam?

All around the world, there are whispers of a holiday being celebrated today…across the United States… in select areas… by a handful of people. Happy Sweetest Day to you all!

Do you know how Sweetest Day originated?  It was FAR from a scam, and it was not intended to be the red-(or pink)-headed step-child of Valentine’s Day that it has become.

Some celebrate, some refuse – but let’s all learn and/or REMEMBER what this holiday and the art of leverage is all about…. Continue reading “Could the Sweetest Day be a Sour Scam?”

Inspire Better Programming

“Your Mind’s biggest TURN-ON starts with the t.v. TURNED-OFF!

Inspire the Fair Way!

“Unless you’re playing golf; there’s no such thing as a Good Lie.”


Overcoming Fear… from 2012 to NOW!

A time for courage

At this point the majority of us have ‘heard’ about the notion of 2012.  No concepts win the populous over better than when those concepts are grounded in some degree of science, personal faith, and ancient allusion.

The idea could stem from the ancient Mayan ‘time keeping’ system which appears to end (and/or start over) in 2012; or they may be grounded in the prophecies from any one religion which almost uncannily seem to converge once we strip away our ‘man-made’ differences.

Independent of where the notion of the world ‘ending’ or ‘changing’ stems from – those notions are just seeds which do not grow until we allow them to root in ourselves.

No matter where the ‘events of today’ are leading – YOU ARE IN CONTROL (and thus, WE are in control).  It’s time for us as individuals, and as a globalized society, to change how we internalize these notions — and if nothing else, 2012 should mark the time we become FEARLESS! Continue reading “Fearlessness”

One-liner Inspires: The Politics of Fight or Flight

Right Wing; Left Wing; Still Can't Fly. “We have a Left Wing;
We have a Right Wing;
We have Two Wings, but still can’t Fly.

One-liner Inspires: Honestly Strong

True Lies

“It takes strength to stand up for truth;
which is why many continue to lie.”

Re: to Charles; “Knowing Truth & Discernment”

Hello world,

I’d like to thank Charles for the first contribution, comment and commitment to “loopholes on life”!  While I only began this blog 3 days ago ‘physically’ (Sunday night, 8/19), I’ve been building toward it for the last two and a half years, when I had my first “click” (I’ll explain what exactly I mean by that at some point, for now, think of ‘clicks’ as meaningful milestones for the journey of truth-seekers & ‘game’-changers… or… perhaps more simply put, think of them as true blue epiphanies).

For today’s blog post I’d like to expound on some sage points he alluded to in his post:

I stumbled across this blog. I have been asking a lot of questions lately and looking for answers in places which they would make sense to be found. However, I have found only lies and deceptions that laid the ground work for building societies of followers and none of free thinkers.

A great man once said, “There is not a truth existing which I fear… or would wish unknown to the whole world.” I feel you are liberator of those truths.

I look forward to reading and sharing thoughts on your blog, and to helping make the world a better and more informed place.


I smell what you’re stepping in, Charles, and it smells like roses.  Continue reading “Re: to Charles; “Knowing Truth & Discernment””