Do you have “The Opposite Problem”?

…do you have the “opposite problem”?

polarity, the secret to life is in the oppositesan optimist?! NEGATIVE! just positively positive
the secret of the universe relies upon the opposites
for context in our populous, how competent are colleges?
took a lot of ignorance to comprehend what knowledge is
it’s a problem which is relative, its apparent we adopted it
it’s extremely unique, so commonly it’s moderate.
see the glass as half full with a modest bit of cockiness;
but if ya never topped it off, the cup would still be bottomless.

without a winter would a summer even be a thing?
if I never had a fall, would ya ever see me spring?
it’s sink or swim; but what’s a swim without a sink?
I think that I know – therefore I am, I think.
we peak then plateau, and we gradually shrink
no matter how far ya go, ya always on the brink.

Do you have the opposite problem? it’s likely it’s so:
answer with yes, or no – it’s residing in both.
a friend, or foe, above, below – in binary code
the ebbs and flows, they come and go, a high and a low

we want yes without no, wanna know without lessons
never had the answer, but want it without question
seek some direction: east ‘n a south; north ‘n a west
from chaos there is order, we’re an organized mess
it’s simply complex, we want a grade without a test
wanna win, no contest; wanna host? be my guest!
every notion we protect, all the motions we object;
are all perpetual at worst, and immoveable at best.

beauty is skin deep… but how shallow is sight?
when beauty’s best seen by the beholder who’s blind
can ya find an absent mind present in a moment of time?
in some cases ya capitalize; others, lower than swine.
but it takes both to take off – a case where all the pigs fly
and its the lowest swine who go most high, hoggin the sky‼

Do you have the opposite problem? answer it wise:
the answers black and white but may range from day to night
no wrong or right, narrow or wide, just a demand to supply
the secret’s too revealed to hide, so expect a surprise.

find depth in our shallowness, fulfillment in our hollowness
our future leaders will rise from those who can follow this.

Problem Solved.

Universe You: Your Reality Check Bounced!

What is your Awareness of Reality?

Do you fancy yourself to be more of a rational thinker or unbridled spirit – a man or woman of reason, or a child of God?  Depending on one’s level of awareness, perhaps you do not make a distinction between the two.

Independent of your worldview, one thing holds true – at some level of granularity, your journey through life is 100% unique. This also means that, at some level, all journeys are 100% the same, paradoxical as it may seem.

This series is designed to explore, challenge, and ultimately/ ideally expand your level of awareness. Depending on your current vantage point and your receptiveness to expanding it you could be in for a wild ride, so buckle-up.

Chapter 1: Your Reality Check Bounced!

How aware are you of a greater reality?In this installment, let’s start with the beginning and end points – two points make a line, let’s see where you draw yours!

The “Starting Point”:

A single cell on the fingertip of an outstretched arm

Stretch your right arm outward and extend your right index finger as if you are pointing to something in the distance. Close your eyes and picture a single cell on the utmost tip of your finger.

Envision THIS single point as your current point of awareness.  

THIS single cell and everything within it is your universe.

Is this single cell too small to utilize as an analogy for your entire universe? Yes, no, maybe – all of the above.  After all, what is ‘small’? An objective assessment of the term would lead an individual to conclude the word is ‘relative’ at best! So let’s start here – because it is THAT relativity which will help tear down your ‘relative’ walls of perception.

While your universe is encapsulated in a single cell – there is no shortage of activity, potential, and quite literally, LIFE, within it. It has been said that a single cell in the human body contains 100 times as many atoms as there are stars in the Milky Way (which has hundreds of billions of stars).

Now envision the world as you know it (a microcosm of the universe), as one of the trillions of atoms existing within the single cell on the utmost tip of your right index finger.

On that morning, you became aware of the other universes around you

Imagine that one idle morning, while oscillating with nearby friends and family somewhere in the universe of your fingertip, something changed.  YOU BECAME AWARE.

You functioned as a critical component in a critical atom which made up a critical cell – and the combination of awareness, perception, individualism, and ego were the ingredients which caused you to once believe the universe stopped there….

But that critical component you played in that critical atom which was part of a critical cell was part of something bigger.  By being part of something bigger – one can feel smaller at first, or recognize that their contribution has not changed, but rather, they are contributing to something greater as well.

You became aware of the other cells which make up that fingertip around you.

And your universe expands to include those adjacent universes …

As one acknowledges the other universes contributing to the same cause your ‘original’ universe is – one can stop differentiating between them.  Their separation was caused by your perception that they are separate – but at some level, they are not separate at all. Thus, your awareness of ‘your universe’ expands to include those adjacent universes.

And it continues. Your awareness expands exponentially.

You see your part in the finger, and the finger’s part in the hand. You see the hand as an extension of the universal arm, you see the universal arm as a limb in the universal body.

Even within that single cell, which you still perceive yourself as residing in, you become conscious of a ‘greater whole’, and your consciousness shifts from ‘that of the cell’ to ‘that of the body’.

The “Final Point”:

From a sub-particle to a cell at the tip of your finger, your universe expanded beyond to recognize the part you played, not just in the cell – but in the hand, the arm, the limb, and body as a whole.

You have the consciousness of “the body”. This is now “you”, and YOUR UNIVERSE. But what was the real lesson learned?

The lesson learned was not in a “finite point” my friend – it was in the PATTERN ITSELF…. You broke down (cellular) walls to see life beyond your original perspective, freed yourself from the concept of time (a whole other series), freed yourself from the need to ‘stop’ just because ‘you started’ — you embraced the pattern.

An infinite loop – the circular reference of perception:

For there you sit today – with the consciousness of the body. You have a name – and you recognize that there are others around you, similar but unique, you are together but separate.

Have you ever felt you were ‘a part’ of something bigger?  As your consciousness resides in the body – THAT IS JUST THE TIP! That body is part of an atom in the fingertip (perhaps the country you live in) – which is a component of the hand (perhaps planet earth) – which is a part of a limb (perhaps the solar system), that is part of a body (perhaps the milky way)…

You recognize this as the body of “all that is”… and with that recognition, you’re reminded of the pattern…. and you wake up, all over again.

And in conclusion, there isn’t one.

You recognize the pattern, it is infinite. This ‘expanded awareness’ lead you back to the same place all over again – the body of the milky way, seen from an expanded vantage point, is merely the cell of a body in the tip of your (our) right index finger. One is bred to perceive one body.

This cycle continues through all time – time is a characteristic making up other aspects of the similar but different universes.  There are cells as they are today and bodies made of cells as they were yesterday and others as they will be tomorrow.

What hasn’t changed is your role.  No matter your level of awareness and current perception of reality – you are always a critical part of a critical atom in a critical cell which makes up something greater.

You are a critical part of an infinite cycle in a finite world, a critical milestone in a timeless trend in a world bound by time.

Expand your awareness and, in the next installment, this awareness will help you perceive the patterns of creation!

Shout out to Bert!

This series was inspired by a conversation between Bert and myself in the comments of the “What are you gaining” one-liner (“all that is gained in life is lost in death”).

There is some great dialogue in those comments regarding the concept of the ego, afterlife, the state of ‘being’, and perception of the ‘whole’ for those interested.

Please take some time to review the great perspective he has to offer on his “Who is Bert”  blog – “a dialogue on mind, consciousness and existence”.  Relevant to the topic at hand, I recommend his recent post on “identity, separation and love”. Enjoy!

– – +- -+- -+-+- = IT’S ALL RELATED = -+-+- -+- -+ – –
(Part 1) Universe You: Intro to Connecting the Dots
(Part 2a) Universe You: Positive Relationships
(Part 2b) Universe You: 3 Pillars of a Positive Relationship
(Part 3) Universe You: Why YOU Matter
(Part 4) Universe You: Giving Yourself Space

Patience is the Recipe for Success

The road to success takes patience, not a crash course!

“Nobody on the road to success
took a crash course to get there!”

IMPRISONED BY TIME: Part 2 – Discover the Boundaries

Discover the bars you've been kept behind in the prison of time.

As the bell tower chimes for the last “time” — let freedom ring!

Your escape from an enslavement many still refuse to believe exists begins now.

This journey will take no time at all; in fact, it will leave all time behind.

Welcome to the rebellion.

Continue reading “IMPRISONED BY TIME: Part 2 – Discover the Boundaries”


Are you a prisoner of time? Free yourself.

We awake to a new day. There are new experiences to be had and new choices to make. It may sound liberating at first. Yet, we begin each morning by believing everything we’ve been trained to see; and there are no better slaves than the ones who are convinced they are free.

Continue reading “ARE YOU IMPRISONED BY TIME?”

Inspired by: The Choice of Sooner or Later

Is time up? It's up to you...

“It’s always too soon;
to say it’s too late.”

An Advanced Breed of Monkeys?

Great quote from Hawking. I think it puts into perspective both our ‘relative’ significance in the universe and reinforces perception as well — after all, who are us ‘slightly more advanced monkeys’ to assume that ‘advanced’ isn’t relative in itself, and that those ‘less advanced monkeys’ have, perhaps an even more, clear grasp on how the universe works?

In fact, perhaps those ‘less advanced monkeys’ define advanced differently — perhaps their understanding of the universe is intuitive and they view US as less advanced for fruitlessly breaking down particles more and more and exploring the cosmos further and further — and in the process, THE ONLY THING WE HAVE DISCOVERED IS INFINITY. 🙂

“Timeless Words” – 23 famous quotes unveiling the secret of time

look to the cycle, not the progression

From rock ‘n roll icons to religious leaders;
From ancient philosophers to 20th century scientists;
From inventors & poets to politicians & social reformers;

The mystery of time has been revealed to us through a series of clues left behind by history’s most influential figures. It’s been easy to overlook the common theme across such an uncommon group – UNTIL NOW!

The most renowned and wise of our kind all spoke about “time”. Think about the themes you see, as the sayings from 23 of these individuals are brought together in a timely verse of their timeless words.

Continue reading ““Timeless Words” – 23 famous quotes unveiling the secret of time”

“Seeing What Is”

I once saw what I wanted, now I’m seeing what is;
was ignorant, but now I get the reason it’s bliss.
for I was lost and then found my reason to live;
amazing grace didn’t sound more sweet than it did.

Continue reading ““Seeing What Is””

Inspired By: Being Beyond Comparison!


“If it’s crazy to compare things that are not Apples-to-Apples;
call my favorite fruit Bananas!”

Inspired by Making Waves!

“It doesn’t take much of a cause
to have a tremendous effect.”

Universe You: Why YOU Matter!!

You are important. Without you, the rest of us would be nothing.

If you think that’s an overstatement, think again.  Better yet, stop thinking!

It’s time to reclaim your self-esteem. The building blocks of confidence start by deconstructing the building blocks of matter.

YOU MATTER… let’s explore how you matter, both literally AND figuratively! Continue reading “Universe You: Why YOU Matter!!”

Be Inspired: You’re Re-minded what Matters!

Inspire and reminded what matters

“if you believe MIND OVER MATTER, it will leave MATTER UNDERMINED.”

Universe You: 3 Pillars of a Positive Relationship

Understand the 3 Pillars of Positive Relationship building by understanding yourself, the universe, and everything (and one) in between!

Relationships fail for many reasons, but start with yourself, and take accountability for it. It is painful to own problems, but once you do, it is infinitely peaceful. After all, there is nothing you are in a better position to change than yourself! Continue reading “Universe You: 3 Pillars of a Positive Relationship”

Universe You: Positive Relationships (Part 2a)

What is the secret to creating & maintaining a positive, long-lasting, relationship?

All of us long for “connection”.  It is our relationships, THE connectivity, which gives meaning to our experiences and validates our existence. Some of us even strive to connect based on a perceived lack of connection!

Whether you are looking to “find love”, whether you are interested in cultivating a positive relationship at work, whether you hope to develop a more meaningful relationship with a family member or friend — the answer is ALL the same, and can be found in “Universe You. Continue reading “Universe You: Positive Relationships (Part 2a)”

“Universe You”: Intro to Connecting the Dots (Part 1)

“Universe You”: Intro to Connecting the Dots (Part 1)

Universe in the Eye of the Beholder

To make the most out of a life, one needs to be able to change it. To change a life, one needs to understand what it is made of.  To understand what it is made of, one only needs to understand the highest- and lowest-level components which life as we know it is made of, existence & experience, the UNIVERSE & YOU!

The “Universe You” Series will provide overarching concepts and universal truths to help an individual understand existence and maximize their experiences within it.  A new part of the series will be posted every Friday morning for the next several weeks.

This is the first piece of a multi-faceted puzzle, and by no coincidence, the whole will be greater than the sum of the parts.

Part 1: Introduction to “Connecting the Dots” – what does understanding “Universe You” get you?  Continue reading ““Universe You”: Intro to Connecting the Dots (Part 1)”