Are you a prisoner of time? Free yourself.

We awake to a new day. There are new experiences to be had and new choices to make. It may sound liberating at first. Yet, we begin each morning by believing everything we’ve been trained to see; and there are no better slaves than the ones who are convinced they are free.

Continue reading “ARE YOU IMPRISONED BY TIME?”

“Redemption Song” Loophole

Since the day we were born – we’ve had the answers to, and the loopholes on, life readily available for us.

They have been bestowed upon us through EVERY generation, and their words tend to transcend both space & time.

The message has always been clear.  The message has been delicately carved into cave walls, thoroughly crystalized through parable & poem, and carefully captured through lyricism & music. Not to mention the diligent documentation of the Bible (#1 best-seller, one hundred and four thousand weeks strong, take that New York Times!).

But how do we receive this message for ourselves, overcome the mental manipulation that pollutes our society, and change both ourselves and the world for the better?  Continue reading ““Redemption Song” Loophole”

One-liner Inspires: War Out

“How does a pacifist fight for what they believe in?”

~Loopholes on Life, 09.12.2012