Do you have “The Opposite Problem”?

…do you have the “opposite problem”?

polarity, the secret to life is in the oppositesan optimist?! NEGATIVE! just positively positive
the secret of the universe relies upon the opposites
for context in our populous, how competent are colleges?
took a lot of ignorance to comprehend what knowledge is
it’s a problem which is relative, its apparent we adopted it
it’s extremely unique, so commonly it’s moderate.
see the glass as half full with a modest bit of cockiness;
but if ya never topped it off, the cup would still be bottomless.

without a winter would a summer even be a thing?
if I never had a fall, would ya ever see me spring?
it’s sink or swim; but what’s a swim without a sink?
I think that I know – therefore I am, I think.
we peak then plateau, and we gradually shrink
no matter how far ya go, ya always on the brink.

Do you have the opposite problem? it’s likely it’s so:
answer with yes, or no – it’s residing in both.
a friend, or foe, above, below – in binary code
the ebbs and flows, they come and go, a high and a low

we want yes without no, wanna know without lessons
never had the answer, but want it without question
seek some direction: east ‘n a south; north ‘n a west
from chaos there is order, we’re an organized mess
it’s simply complex, we want a grade without a test
wanna win, no contest; wanna host? be my guest!
every notion we protect, all the motions we object;
are all perpetual at worst, and immoveable at best.

beauty is skin deep… but how shallow is sight?
when beauty’s best seen by the beholder who’s blind
can ya find an absent mind present in a moment of time?
in some cases ya capitalize; others, lower than swine.
but it takes both to take off – a case where all the pigs fly
and its the lowest swine who go most high, hoggin the sky‼

Do you have the opposite problem? answer it wise:
the answers black and white but may range from day to night
no wrong or right, narrow or wide, just a demand to supply
the secret’s too revealed to hide, so expect a surprise.

find depth in our shallowness, fulfillment in our hollowness
our future leaders will rise from those who can follow this.

Problem Solved.

PROJECT E.G.O.- 3 Phase Plan to Win the Conflict Within

The Ego is a Snake, often coiled, but always ready to attack

Make no mistake, we are at war friends.

Our enemy is deceitful, conniving, and…. surprisingly logical.

Our adversary will strive to convince us that it is not a foe, but a friend.

Our opponent will remind us of all the great things we are, and attribute it to our successes. Then subsequently  remind us of all we are not, and attribute it to the failures of others.

Our rival goes by the name of “Ego”, and it has been called the source of ALL conflict! Welcome to Project: E.G.O., the 3-step battle plan for shared victory in our individual battles.

Continue reading “PROJECT E.G.O.- 3 Phase Plan to Win the Conflict Within”

Overcoming Indecision: 3 Tools for any Decision Maker

The ‘lose-lose’ situations. The ‘what-if’ mind games. The wavering. The anxiety. The regret of one choice made too quickly and another not quickly enough.

Indecision is crippling. Yet, it’s a common struggle for many of us in our day-to-day lives; from the menial matters of where to make a purchase, to the life-changing commitments of a relationship.

Independent of the specific indecision you may be wrestling with today: these 3 tools will, quite decisively, help you become a better decision maker today!

Continue reading “Overcoming Indecision: 3 Tools for any Decision Maker”

Inspired by Stranger Friends


“As you get to know a stranger, they sometimes become friends;
As you get to know a friend, they always become stranger.”

Universe You: 3 Pillars of a Positive Relationship

Understand the 3 Pillars of Positive Relationship building by understanding yourself, the universe, and everything (and one) in between!

Relationships fail for many reasons, but start with yourself, and take accountability for it. It is painful to own problems, but once you do, it is infinitely peaceful. After all, there is nothing you are in a better position to change than yourself! Continue reading “Universe You: 3 Pillars of a Positive Relationship”

The Sleepless Dreamer

while all the sheep are sleeping, the dreamers stay awake;

the herd is worked by the game the dreamers came to play.

the dreamers go from a knight at night, to a daze by day;

swim then sink, they wait to love as sleepers wade in hate.

as the sleepers keep on sleeping, chained in Plato’s cave;

dreamers keep on dreaming ‘cuz it’s only too late to wait.

from white to black: in great dismay, light was made to fade;

but the dreamers find that silverline within the shades of gray., 10.13.2012