Beating The Cellular Twilight Zone

Hello There Friends!

There have been a number of things lately in life that have made me ponder the pros and cons of the cellular world we have at our fingertips.  Recently my friend, Stitch, from #loopholesonlife podcast broke his phone badly and he is now in “The Cellular Twilight Zone.”  The place we all fear as much as death itself!!   A place of limited contact & communication to friends & family,  lack of text, no social media following or perhaps even more frightening to the masses…he can’t take any pictures or selfies for some time now!  Seems like no big deal right??  Couple days without a phone should be easy.

Well my phone is working just fine and perhaps that is what gave me pause to think about this topic and why I wanted to write an article about it.  Think of how much your phone is in your face.  When I head onto the 1 Train Subway in NYC daily to head to work in a sea of hundreds of people I would bet 85 of them are staring into their cell phone.  Hey, that’s ok sometimes!  Getting work emails done, catching up on a good book on an app, following up on old text (come on we all do it :).  My pause is when we are on that phone in this world and there is opportunity to give that time effort and ENERGY to someone else.  When we take a moment in time where another human being is desiring our attention or time and we give it to the cell phone unapologetically instead of the person, place or event.   I dare us all to take a day with our children that we only touch the cell phone when they are not in our presence.  I challenge you to go to a concert and watch the price of admission song (ie Born to Run at a Springsteen Concert) and DON’T hit record.  Do something completely amazing and different…take a sip of your beer…..a deep breathe….and sit back and let your brain and mind absorb everything an artist such as that is giving you in that very special moment in time and savor it.  I swear you will go back to that memory in your mind more than you do that video; I know because I’ve done it.  On the same note your child will go back the memories of those special days with you where you laughed together & shared special moments in time in unison more than the videos and selfies.

I wrote this article not to pontificate about putting down our cell phones more often but rather to challenge MYSELF and hope that some others might join in on the challenge with me!  I am certainly not perfect here and have a mild cell phone addiction especially due to my busy job.  So let’s all put down the phones when we can and give that universal energy we put into constant texts and emails instead to those around us seeking our time and attention so badly!!  Thanks to my buddy Stitch @loopholesonlife for waking me up to this topic and join us on our podcast #loopholesonlife for more topics like this!!

Till Next Time!

Stan @stanloopholes


woman iphone girl mockup
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One thought on “Beating The Cellular Twilight Zone”

  1. 12 days…no phone… in the tech industry…

    It was not easy, but it was even harder for others to understand!!

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